Grief Counselling
Specialising in grief counselling for adults, Your Sunset offers fee for service counselling sessions via a home visit service in the Canberra region or Zoom if you are further afield.
Grief, loss and bereavement come in many forms throughout our lives -
Death of a person
When someone we know dies, there can be a range of emotions and reactions. Sometimes our loss isn't publicly recognised which can compound these feelings.
Pregnancy loss
The loss of a pregnancy regardless of the circumstances is often a heartbreaking experience. This is not only for the woman, but for male partners as well, who are often left without direct support.
Death of a companion animal
Our pets have become integral parts of our family units and their deaths (or trip to the rainbow bridge, as some call it), can leave us with a deep emotional void.
A natural disaster
Flood, fire and drought... we truly have it all in this great land. When the adrenaline of the emergency wears off and everyone else has got on with their lives - you can be left feeling completely lost on what happens next to rebuild after a natural disaster. Lets talk about it.
Moving to a new city, state or country
Relocating to Canberra for your dream job or university placement, whilst exciting can also leave you feeling lost and disconnected and with feelings of sadness for the life you left behind.
The end of a relationship
Throughout life we experience many relationships, some are intense and when they end can leave us feeling empty and with many unanswered questions.
A diagnosis
You or someone close to you may have received a medical diagnosis that has changed your life plan, it doesn't need to be a life limiting illness to throw your world upside down and leaving your grappling with life's big questions.
Becoming a carer
Sometimes someone you know gets sick and suddenly you find yourself navigating the world of being a carer. This radical change of role can impact people in unique and unexpected ways.
Job loss
Job losses happen for many reasons and can leave us questioning our identity and what comes next. Often, especially when unexpected we also lose a network of friendly colleagues which can make the loss feel greater.
It seems we work our whole lives to reach retirement but when it arrives we often realise we weren't ready! A lot of our identity and routine are tied up with work. Retirement is a time of readjustment and giving yourself time to decide what comes next.
Home Visits
There are times in our lives when we just don't want to go out! When you are grieving everything can seem hard.
Why see a counsellor at home
Save time
No parking
No waiting rooms
No interruptions from other clients
You choose the temperature of the space
You have access to all the comforts of home
Preparing for your home visit
Make sure you have a private space and you've let other members of the household know not to interrupt you!
Ensure dogs and other pets are safely secured
Have everything you'll need close at hand - tissues, a cuppa, pen, journal or notepad
Counselling Fees
and Terms of Service
We are a fee for service practice, a 50 minute consultation is $145
We have appointment times from 9am-8pm Monday-Saturday
Payment is required at the time of your appointment and can be made via Debit or Credit Card (Visa or MasterCard)
You do not require a referral or Mental Health Plan to access services
Services are not currently eligible for rebates through Medicare or private health funds
There is no minimum or limit to the number of sessions you can have
Our counsellors hold current ACT working with vulnerable people registration